GET Async/{clientId}/Import/{accessToken}/Exceptions?limit={limit}&offset={offset}

Retrieve Exceptions

Request Information

URI Parameters

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information

Your required clientId used to access the WebAPI. A 404 is returned if this value is invalid.




Access token returned from InitiateBulkImport call




Optional maximum number of records to return. Defaults to 1000 if not specified.


Default value is 1000


Optional offset of the first record to return. Defaults to 0 if not specified.


Default value is 0

Body Parameters


Response Information

Response Codes

HTTP Status CodeTextDescription
200 OK The request was successfully processed.
400 Bad Request The request was invalid and cannot be processed. This may be a result of a malformed request. You must update the request before trying again.
401 Unauthorized Authentication credentials are missing or incorrect. You must verify your ClientId, UserId, and Authorization Scheme before trying again.
403 Forbidden The authentication credentials were insufficient to grant access to the requested resource. In most cases, your user may not have the appropriate permissions to access the requested resource. Verify User Group permissions for your user before trying again.
500 Internal Server Error The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. Notify PossibleNOW Support if it’s a continuous occurrence.

Resource Description

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information

Number of records returned




True if there are more records to retrieve, false otherwise




Maximum number of records to return




0 based index of the first record to retreive




Total number of records associated with the accessToken




List of failed records

Collection of BulkUserProfilePreferenceException

Response Formats

application/json, text/json, application/json-patch+json

  "Count": 1,
  "HasMore": true,
  "Limit": 3,
  "Offset": 4,
  "TotalResults": 5,
  "FailedRecords": [
      "SequenceNumber": 1,
      "Edited": {
        "CreateDate": "sample string 1",
        "CreatedBy": "sample string 2",
        "ModifiedDate": "sample string 3",
        "ModifiedBy": "sample string 4"
      "CustomerName": {
        "FirstName": "sample string 1",
        "MiddleName": "sample string 2",
        "LastName": "sample string 3",
        "Prefix": "sample string 4",
        "Suffix": "sample string 5"
      "Consents": [
          "Exceptions": [
              "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
              "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
              "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
              "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
              "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
              "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
          "ConsentType": "sample string 1",
          "ConsentVersion": "sample string 2",
          "Locale": "sample string 3",
          "ConsentStatus": 1,
          "ConsentDate": "sample string 4"
          "Exceptions": [
              "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
              "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
              "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
              "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
              "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
              "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
          "ConsentType": "sample string 1",
          "ConsentVersion": "sample string 2",
          "Locale": "sample string 3",
          "ConsentStatus": 1,
          "ConsentDate": "sample string 4"
      "ProfilePreferences": [
          "Exceptions": [
              "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
              "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
              "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
              "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
              "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
              "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
          "ProgramId": "sample string 1",
          "ChannelId": "sample string 2",
          "Consents": [
              "ConsentType": "sample string 1",
              "ConsentVersion": "sample string 2"
              "ConsentType": "sample string 1",
              "ConsentVersion": "sample string 2"
          "MatchType": "sample string 3",
          "ReasonCode": "sample string 4",
          "ExpirationDate": "sample string 5",
          "PreferenceStatus": "sample string 6",
          "LastModifiedDate": "sample string 7",
          "UserId": "sample string 8",
          "SourceId": "sample string 9",
          "FilterId": "sample string 10",
          "PreferenceType": 1,
          "FrequencyId": "sample string 11",
          "PreferenceAttributes": [
              "Key": "sample string 1",
              "Value": "sample string 2"
              "Key": "sample string 1",
              "Value": "sample string 2"
          "CustomerDate": "sample string 12"
          "Exceptions": [
              "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
              "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
              "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
              "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
              "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
              "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
          "ProgramId": "sample string 1",
          "ChannelId": "sample string 2",
          "Consents": [
              "ConsentType": "sample string 1",
              "ConsentVersion": "sample string 2"
              "ConsentType": "sample string 1",
              "ConsentVersion": "sample string 2"
          "MatchType": "sample string 3",
          "ReasonCode": "sample string 4",
          "ExpirationDate": "sample string 5",
          "PreferenceStatus": "sample string 6",
          "LastModifiedDate": "sample string 7",
          "UserId": "sample string 8",
          "SourceId": "sample string 9",
          "FilterId": "sample string 10",
          "PreferenceType": 1,
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          "PreferenceAttributes": [
              "Key": "sample string 1",
              "Value": "sample string 2"
              "Key": "sample string 1",
              "Value": "sample string 2"
          "CustomerDate": "sample string 12"
      "AlternateIds": [
          "Exceptions": [
              "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
              "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
              "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
              "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
              "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
              "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
          "AlternateIdType": "sample string 1",
          "AlternateId": "sample string 2"
          "Exceptions": [
              "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
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              "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
              "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
              "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
              "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
          "AlternateIdType": "sample string 1",
          "AlternateId": "sample string 2"
      "Addresses": [
          "AddressPreferences": [
              "Exceptions": [
                  "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
                  "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
                  "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
                  "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
                  "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
                  "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
              "ProgramId": "sample string 1",
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              "Consents": [
                  "ConsentType": "sample string 1",
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                  "ConsentType": "sample string 1",
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              "LastModifiedDate": "sample string 7",
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              "PreferenceAttributes": [
                  "Key": "sample string 1",
                  "Value": "sample string 2"
                  "Key": "sample string 1",
                  "Value": "sample string 2"
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              "Exceptions": [
                  "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
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                  "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
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              "ProgramId": "sample string 1",
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              "Consents": [
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                  "ConsentVersion": "sample string 2"
                  "ConsentType": "sample string 1",
                  "ConsentVersion": "sample string 2"
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              "ReasonCode": "sample string 4",
              "ExpirationDate": "sample string 5",
              "PreferenceStatus": "sample string 6",
              "LastModifiedDate": "sample string 7",
              "UserId": "sample string 8",
              "SourceId": "sample string 9",
              "FilterId": "sample string 10",
              "PreferenceType": 1,
              "FrequencyId": "sample string 11",
              "PreferenceAttributes": [
                  "Key": "sample string 1",
                  "Value": "sample string 2"
                  "Key": "sample string 1",
                  "Value": "sample string 2"
              "CustomerDate": "sample string 12"
          "Exceptions": [
              "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
              "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
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              "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
              "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
              "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
          "CassAddress1": "sample string 1",
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          "CassStateProvince": "sample string 4",
          "CassPostalCode": "sample string 5",
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          "Country": "sample string 7",
          "IsActive": true,
          "Edited": {
            "CreateDate": "sample string 1",
            "CreatedBy": "sample string 2",
            "ModifiedDate": "sample string 3",
            "ModifiedBy": "sample string 4"
          "AddressType": "sample string 12",
          "IsDefault": true,
          "Address1": "sample string 21",
          "Address2": "sample string 22",
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          "StateProvince": "sample string 24",
          "CountryCode_Numeric": "sample string 25",
          "CountryCode_Alpha2": "sample string 26",
          "CountryCode_Alpha3": "sample string 27",
          "PostalCode": "sample string 28"
          "AddressPreferences": [
              "Exceptions": [
                  "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
                  "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
                  "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
                  "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
                  "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
                  "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
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              "Consents": [
                  "ConsentType": "sample string 1",
                  "ConsentVersion": "sample string 2"
                  "ConsentType": "sample string 1",
                  "ConsentVersion": "sample string 2"
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              "ReasonCode": "sample string 4",
              "ExpirationDate": "sample string 5",
              "PreferenceStatus": "sample string 6",
              "LastModifiedDate": "sample string 7",
              "UserId": "sample string 8",
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              "PreferenceAttributes": [
                  "Key": "sample string 1",
                  "Value": "sample string 2"
                  "Key": "sample string 1",
                  "Value": "sample string 2"
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                  "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
                  "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
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                  "ConsentType": "sample string 1",
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              "PreferenceAttributes": [
                  "Key": "sample string 1",
                  "Value": "sample string 2"
                  "Key": "sample string 1",
                  "Value": "sample string 2"
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              "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
              "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
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          "IsActive": true,
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          "CountryCode_Alpha2": "sample string 26",
          "CountryCode_Alpha3": "sample string 27",
          "PostalCode": "sample string 28"
      "PhoneNumbers": [
          "PhonePreferences": [
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                  "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
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                  "Key": "sample string 1",
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          "IsDefault": true,
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          "IsActive": true,
          "Edited": {
            "CreateDate": "sample string 1",
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            "ModifiedDate": "sample string 3",
            "ModifiedBy": "sample string 4"
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          "Edited": {
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            "ModifiedDate": "sample string 3",
            "ModifiedBy": "sample string 4"
      "Emails": [
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              "PreferenceType": 1,
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              "PreferenceAttributes": [
                  "Key": "sample string 1",
                  "Value": "sample string 2"
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                  "Value": "sample string 2"
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          "Exceptions": [
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              "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
              "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
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              "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
          "EmailAddressType": "sample string 1",
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          "IsDefault": true,
          "IsActive": true,
          "Edited": {
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            "CreatedBy": "sample string 2",
            "ModifiedDate": "sample string 3",
            "ModifiedBy": "sample string 4"
          "EmailAddressChecksum": 4
          "EmailPreferences": [
              "Exceptions": [
                  "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
                  "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
                  "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
                  "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
                  "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
                  "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
              "ProgramId": "sample string 1",
              "ChannelId": "sample string 2",
              "Consents": [
                  "ConsentType": "sample string 1",
                  "ConsentVersion": "sample string 2"
                  "ConsentType": "sample string 1",
                  "ConsentVersion": "sample string 2"
              "MatchType": "sample string 3",
              "ReasonCode": "sample string 4",
              "ExpirationDate": "sample string 5",
              "PreferenceStatus": "sample string 6",
              "LastModifiedDate": "sample string 7",
              "UserId": "sample string 8",
              "SourceId": "sample string 9",
              "FilterId": "sample string 10",
              "PreferenceType": 1,
              "FrequencyId": "sample string 11",
              "PreferenceAttributes": [
                  "Key": "sample string 1",
                  "Value": "sample string 2"
                  "Key": "sample string 1",
                  "Value": "sample string 2"
              "CustomerDate": "sample string 12"
              "Exceptions": [
                  "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
                  "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
                  "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
                  "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
                  "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
                  "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
              "ProgramId": "sample string 1",
              "ChannelId": "sample string 2",
              "Consents": [
                  "ConsentType": "sample string 1",
                  "ConsentVersion": "sample string 2"
                  "ConsentType": "sample string 1",
                  "ConsentVersion": "sample string 2"
              "MatchType": "sample string 3",
              "ReasonCode": "sample string 4",
              "ExpirationDate": "sample string 5",
              "PreferenceStatus": "sample string 6",
              "LastModifiedDate": "sample string 7",
              "UserId": "sample string 8",
              "SourceId": "sample string 9",
              "FilterId": "sample string 10",
              "PreferenceType": 1,
              "FrequencyId": "sample string 11",
              "PreferenceAttributes": [
                  "Key": "sample string 1",
                  "Value": "sample string 2"
                  "Key": "sample string 1",
                  "Value": "sample string 2"
              "CustomerDate": "sample string 12"
          "Exceptions": [
              "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
              "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
              "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
              "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
              "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
              "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
          "EmailAddressType": "sample string 1",
          "EmailAddress": "sample string 2",
          "IsDefault": true,
          "IsActive": true,
          "Edited": {
            "CreateDate": "sample string 1",
            "CreatedBy": "sample string 2",
            "ModifiedDate": "sample string 3",
            "ModifiedBy": "sample string 4"
          "EmailAddressChecksum": 4
      "Groups": [
          "Exceptions": [
              "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
              "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
              "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
              "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
              "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
              "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
          "GroupType": "sample string 1",
          "IsPrimary": true,
          "GroupName": "sample string 3"
          "Exceptions": [
              "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
              "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
              "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
              "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
              "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
              "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
          "GroupType": "sample string 1",
          "IsPrimary": true,
          "GroupName": "sample string 3"
      "ProfileTags": [
          "Exceptions": [
              "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
              "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
              "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
              "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
              "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
              "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
          "Name": "sample string 1"
          "Exceptions": [
              "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
              "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
              "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
              "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
              "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
              "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
          "Name": "sample string 1"
      "CustomFields": [
          "Exceptions": [
              "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
              "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
              "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
              "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
              "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
              "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
          "Name": "sample string 1",
          "Value": "sample string 2",
          "ValueChecksum": 3
          "Exceptions": [
              "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1",
              "ErrorCode": "sample string 2",
              "ErrorField": "sample string 3"
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application/xml, text/xml

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